With the Eagle’s Tribute band for the Thursday Concert Paddle…….
Terry, Jackie, Kay, and Tracy enjoy the tunes and the paddle at WRL!
Join us in September too for more fun on Thursday’s too, here’s the music
line up….
Briefcase Blues Thursday September 23rd WRL paddles wet 7pm
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4 sale – for sail – four sale – IIII sale …OK OK.. you get the idea…
Lightly used Yakima BOW DOWN kayak carrier…4 uprights or
2 sets of two, retail $ 179 per set yours for only…. $ 200.00 for both
sets… Why you ask??? because we have to much stuff and we
can’t use it all…all the time so our quality used twice gear can be
yours!!! Call Mike at 214 669 1663 or email mike@kayakpower.com