Certifications with American Canoe Association 2025
Do you need a PSF for you’re lifeguard or watersports team? Does your aquatics staff need a Level 1 kayak certification? Do you feel you have River Kayak Level 2 skills and want to be in the March 2025 class? We have you covered, our classes with ACA certification start at only $ 99.00 for…
2025 Clean up w/ICE
NO not Immigration And Customs Enforcement… Actual frozen water!!! We did had some ice on part of the lake, sadly though it didn’t last long enough for us to go play with before Mr. Sun had his way. So it was a cold start to the S4 in 2025 with overnight temps in the 20’s,…
Final 2024 S4 and a great BIG
THANK YOU TO ALL OR 2024 Volunteers!!! without you success is a steeper climb or…. in our terms a longer uphill paddle! While we await our numbers from the mother group For the Love of the Lake we do feel good about the 2024 numbers and the volume too. We were blessed with a Indian…
LLELA in November 24
Change is the great constant, and LLELA is no different, get ready because in 2025 we going to see an automated gate entry and exit and a brand new 6 lane road over the river…. Don’t worry these things will not spoil this….. Thankfully!!! Or this We can still enjoy clean clear water and natures…
Connecting Point of Park Cities goes Kayaking!
We were very lucky to be able to partner with the Whiterock Boat Club to host CPPC for their fall team building event. After the alfresco breakfast on the clubhouse deck they got down to the business of leadership training, and for those of you that don’t know they are extremely passionate about the great…
2nd Sat Success 11 24 WRL
THANKS to both our awesome volunteers and a fantastic day from Mother Nature we got a ton of trash, did some education outreach and got on the water and kayaked too! Izzy and Lucy lead the way on our canine clean up crew and even brought their human to help as well. Its amazing to…
Volunteers needed for OWS 2024
Like to kayak? Enjoy meeting other cool people? Like the Sunrise for your social media photos? Need to get PAID? Live water swim support kayakers needed early morning hours, easy, fun gig and you get paid too! Interested? Location Lake Joe Pool State Park in Cedar Hill Texas swim start 7am or 8am we get…
Clean up 24-3 in the books
it was a little breezy and a bit chilly but we used our secondary launch site to mitigate the wind and did 100% of the clean up on the lee side of our Adopt A Shoreline site. You can see from the aerial their was a ring of debris from the storm and higher water…
Jan 2nd Sat Cleanup Success
We had all the equipment to clean from the water or the ground but something about the cold wind and cold water keep everyone grounded for the 1st event of 2024! Did you know that walking our section to the south following the waters edge to Fisher road and then back along the road to…
Special THANKS to
NCL and their local North Texas branches for showing up in a huge group! check them out at https://www.nationalcharityleague.org/ Thanks for being awesome ladies!