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Protect White Rock Lake (SSSS)February 18, 2014Second Saturday Shoreline Spruceup On the 2nd Saturday of each month. Join us & For the Love of the Lake group at 4100 West Lawther Drive on Whiterock Lake. PROTECT WRL & the environment with us & the For the Love of the Lake group at Whiterock Lake. Were cleaning back on the west side at our original location, YEAH!!!. You help us keep the lake clean & we let you enjoy a kayak during and after the cleanup! Join us at 9:00 am (soft start weather and temps permitting) For the Second Saturday Shoreline Spruceup On the 2nd Saturday of each month. To help keep your White Rock Lake Park looking it’s very best in/on the water and the ground. We meet in the parking lot of Jackson Point better know as 4100 West Lawther Drive Dallas Texas 75214-2918 on the west side of White Rock Lake Park, we enjoy the company, visit with friends, paddle some kayaks, receive thanks from other lake users and collect lots and lots and lots of trash. 4100 West Lawther Dr Dallas, TX 75214-2918 Rain, Snow, Wind or Shine or anything other than lighting!!! Did You Know? KAYAKPOWER.COM has…… A clean up in Lewisville for the Trinity River takeout? A clean up in Lewisville for the Trinity River? A cleanup in Navasota for the Brazos river at Hildago Falls A cleanup In San Marcos for the San Marcos river We works with other “Not For Profit “Groups like: The American Canoe Association Outdoor Adventures for Kids For the Love of the Lake & more! We work with government/city groups like: Texas Park and Wildlife Dept. The County of Dallas The Lewisville Park and Recreation Dept Coast Guard Reserves & More Is your water site in need of a clean up? Is you group looking to partner up? Is your gov. dept. looking for events? 214 669 166 info@kayakpower.com […]
Kayak, Canoe SUP & Raft RentalFebruary 18, 2014* Sit on Top * Sit Inside * Single Kayak * Double Kayaks * Recreational Kayaks * Sea Kayaks * Whitewater Kayaks * Inflatable Kayaks * SUP’s* Rafts * Catarafts * ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RENTAL REQUIRED Adult Waiver 2021 Minor Waiver 2021 Covid -19 Adult & Minor Waiver 2021 48 hour notice required for any rental please We rent the following types of KAYAKS * Sit on Top* Sit Inside* Single kayak* Double kayaks * Recreational kayaks* Sea kayaks* Whitewater kayaks* * Inflatable kayaks All kayak rentals are based on a per person rental, A single is a one (1) person rental a double is a two (2) person rentals. We have two (2) main options for renting COST 1/2 day or up to 4 hours on the water is still just $ 40 per person 1 day or up to 8 hours on the water is still just $ 80 per person Please inquire should you have a long term rental need all other gear and equipment is included for safe paddling Pay Direct and easily with Zelle at 214 669 1663 After your payment follow these 3 easy steps 1. Text or email your preferred pick up day & time and kayak type preference 2. Make sure you have paid in advance via Zelle to 214 669 1663 3. We’ll contact you via text or email and set up your preferred gear. VERY IMPORTANT Your requested Date and time is the time you will arrive at our warehouse location Your rental day 4 or 8 hours starts after your loaded and ready to roll Your rental day ends after your 4 or 8 hours rental timeline plus 1 hour Our recommended launch areas. Whiterock Lake 5+ launch areas Lake Ray Hubbard 5+ launch areas White Rock Creek 2 launch areas Bachman Lake 3 launch areas Elm Fork of the Trinity River 3+ launch areas MAIN WAREHOUSE LOCATION & where to pick up your kayak & gear 10112 East Zacha Dr Dallas Texas 75228 VERY IMPORTANT You take your cell phone (required to rent a boat from us) along for the paddle, in our provided dry box, so if your having issues we can kindly talk you through most issues. All Rental Kayak include the following safety gear * PFD’s * Paddles * Cooler * Dry Box * Boat Call or Text (214) 669-1663 A signed waiver of liability from each person is required prior to entering the water in a KPC kayak, NO exceptions. A deposit may be required for extended rentals, or rentals departing the greater DFW area. […]
Elm Fork ECO Tour (LLELA)February 18, 2014Join us for a unique experience on the Elm Fork of the Trinity river, paddling through the eco system of the old and the new river channel at LLELA. $50 per paddler and includes refreshments, (registration required) join us for a unique experience on the Elm Fork of the Trinity river, paddling through the eco system of the old and the new river channel at LLELA. We shuttle you back to LLELA after the kayaking and your welcome to hike around and enjoy your time at LLELA too. To Help preserve and protect the natural resources of this area, were making a water trail to be accessible to all paddle skill levels of the general public. Were also helping educate the public through environmental awarenes while ejoying the outdoor experience of the park and the Trinity River. When: The third Saturday of the each month at 10:00am at LLELA. Volunteer to clean up at LLELA or join us for the eco river tour safety talk between 9&10, then paddles wet at 10:00 am, for a 2 to 3 hour trip down the river and through one of the most pristine section of the Trinity in Dallas! Where: The Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, see the maps at the right or download the directions to LLELA. Please remember this is an outdoor event, please dress with that in mind, outdoor activity and water based fun! Why: Because it’s fun, because it a part of the larger DFW area that been re-opened to the public and you can be one of the first to help return it to a more pristine state, including cool water, and a clean environment! The Elm Fork Trinity river trip. This paddle trip starts from LLELA and follows the river to Hebron Parkway. The put in at LLELA is an easy launch into the outflow channel from the dam of Lake Lewisville.The take out requires kayaking skills and can be hazardous to the novice kayaker. Average time for this trip is 2 to 3 hours including a shuttle with the gear back to LLELA. This trip can vary in time based on several factors including water flow. This is a water based outdoor activity, please dress accordingly and plan for being in and around water and outside in the sun. Register for the trip For your convenience you can download a PDF file of this general information including this registration form, ******what to wear, what to bring, and directions to LLELA.**** For LLELA questions please contact them at 972-219-7980 or on the web at http://llela.unt.edu For KayakPower.Com questions please contact them at 214-699-1663 on the web at www.kayakpower.com […]
Recent Posts
Uncategorized2nd 2nd Sat at WRL of 251st and foremost we Thank all our volunteers young and experienced on or off the water and always with a smile! you just have to start them young, Thanks Mom too! The weather was so much better than last month, that’s the thing about Texas, is we get several of these lovely Indian summer days even in winter! That said the water was still a little brisk! Thanks to W & C for the on land cleanup management too! We also got our friends from TRINOW out with their group of athletes …… mostly getting trashed! Thanks to George we also got the very underserved parking looking good. KPC serving up kayaks and fun, you can see why we have had 20 plus years of success!!! Just a friendly reminder we love the ground support and We love the water support too! its all about making the lake a better place for all lake users, and I’m guessing ALL LAKE USERS LIKE HAVING THIS PILE OF TRASH NOT IN THE LAKE!!!! Until next time we hope you paddle SAFE and paddle lots! […]
February 11, 2025UncategorizedCertifications with American Canoe Association 2025Do you need a PSF for you’re lifeguard or watersports team? Does your aquatics staff need a Level 1 kayak certification? Do you feel you have River Kayak Level 2 skills and want to be in the March 2025 class? We have you covered, our classes with ACA certification start at only $ 99.00 for an assessment and the classes range from $ 199.00 to $ 399.00 depending on you needs. We can also provide your with additional gear for class for a low cost rental fee and if your in charge of the program we can custom make our instruction fit your needs. Please reach out directly to Grace at 214 563 7057 Cell tm or pager Mike at 214 669 1663 Cell tm or pager Classes limited in size, locations can vary and payment is not a guarantee of certification. Paddle SMART paddle often […]
January 17, 2025Uncategorized2025 Clean up w/ICENO not Immigration And Customs Enforcement… Actual frozen water!!! We did had some ice on part of the lake, sadly though it didn’t last long enough for us to go play with before Mr. Sun had his way. So it was a cold start to the S4 in 2025 with overnight temps in the 20’s, YIKES We set up our party tent and started the heater before getting our trash on… We had the usual suspects the cold water cold wind and lots of trash too And as a special treat those volunteers got a little something warm and sweet from starbucks too! Actual coconut milk included So… we are switching things up this year the March Clean up will be in San Marcos Texas on the San Marcos River check out this link for details. https://txrivers.org/texas-river-blog/38th-annual-texas-river-clean-up We are on Section 2 from Tom’s to sculls woohoo!!! AND……If you know a place that needs some special care lets chat about it we are not tied to just WRL for cleanups in 2025! Paddle Smart and Paddle Safe https://photos.app.goo.gl/j4uiBkr1jwNRJFDA8 check out all our pics from the link above […]
January 16, 2025UncategorizedFinal 2024 S4 and a great BIGTHANK YOU TO ALL OR 2024 Volunteers!!! without you success is a steeper climb or…. in our terms a longer uphill paddle! GO Steve! While we await our numbers from the mother group For the Love of the Lake we do feel good about the 2024 numbers and the volume too. We were blessed with a Indian summer day in December and the hard charging kayak volunteers destroyed several trash HOT SPOTS along the road in the cove above. click here for all the awesome photos too https://photos.app.goo.gl/cGFPqhpQeBebvWxM8 also you can add your pics as well… It’s been an awesome adventure to collect trash with everyone for so many years, and as 2025 rolls toward us we continue to evolve KPC go with the flow if you will, but whatever floats your kayak, also floats ours. We hope to see you down the river in the very near future! […]
December 16, 2024UncategorizedLLELA in November 24Change is the great constant, and LLELA is no different, get ready because in 2025 we going to see an automated gate entry and exit and a brand new 6 lane road over the river…. Don’t worry these things will not spoil this….. Thankfully!!! Or this We can still enjoy clean clear water and natures beauty along with some fun in a kayak too Thanks to our friends at LLELA and the LPRD for their vision and stewardship in preserving these fine things. As we approach fall and winter in Texas we will continue to get out on the water do our December Clean Up (12-14) on Whiterock Lake and our final 2024 LLELA trip (12-21) in December as well. Hope to see you on the water!!! […]
November 27, 2024UncategorizedConnecting Point of Park Cities goes Kayaking!We were very lucky to be able to partner with the Whiterock Boat Club to host CPPC for their fall team building event. After the alfresco breakfast on the clubhouse deck they got down to the business of leadership training, and for those of you that don’t know they are extremely passionate about the great work they do. IF you have to have a meeting you might as well have a great place to have said meeting and cantilevered over the water is the 2nd best place I can think of… Speaking of the best place to have a meeting, yes from the seat of a kayak on a beautiful day in November is my choice.. Kayaking is a lot like running a program for others in the fact that most of the time things go your way but you have to be ready for when things don’t, never panic, rely on your training, and keep a positive attitude. Many Thanks to all the folks at CPPC and the great work they do for others helping them to lead a best quality life. TEAM WORK does make the DREAM WORK! […]
November 12, 2024