LLELA Eco Tour redux

Low water report….depending on which kayak your were…

in.  KEY WORD here….”were”………………………………..


Yes some got their “full Value” out of the tour including

Todd P2260068 and Gracie!


It seems the first “rapid” has changed from last month and was a little…sporty!  Moving water is always a challenge but we were able to effect the rescue, unstick the kayak, warm the kayakers and also test the endurance of cold for Todd and Grace …..all at once!

We were fine after the quick warm up and kayak clearing..



and headed on downriver……………………….


Once the sun was out we started felling a little ….



Well you know what happens when you get a bunch of friends together for some kayakpower fun….RIGHT…


As so it was, again a successful trip with the same number at the takeout as we started with!

after all Kayaking is a serious business…………………


just not for us!

Next LLELA Trip  Saturday March 26th  9am Smart Start!


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