This Saturday….9am safety talk 10am paddles wet!


Top 10 reason you should join us….

1.Mild Weather

2.Cool Clean Water

3.Great water flow   waaaay over 500 cfs, think float!

4. Shuttle ride back to LLELA included at not additional $$$

5. No Plesiosaurus’s, zero!

6. Todd will be paddling with us…nuff said!

7. The water is very very wet on Saturdays

8. paddling will help your look good on your resume!

9. Most of the holes in the kayaks are fixed…I think…

10. because we want to have a good time with YOU!!!


Don’t you deserve a good paddling??

RSVP online at www.kayakpower.com

or Call 214 669 1663  

Reservations Required,

trip size limited

call today!

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