NO worries…. (just voicemail)
or Know phone – Know worries, ?????
anyway guess what I got?? A replacement evo……
but it seems the water shrunk the phone down a little….
it also made it…..3D too, so those goofy water pictures..
NOW coming to you in 3D ………….get ready…
(Hold this photo about 100 feet away after dark to see the actual 3D image)
So if you’d like to be shot in 3D at LLELA this Saturday
Still just $ 50 per person or we’ll shuttle your kayak for $35
Paddles wet at 10 am and remember LBJ Construction too!
or you can join us at the Intro 2 Kayaking Class…
This Sunday at Grapevine Lake at Rockledge Park 9:am
and that’s still just $ 125 per person all inclusive fun!
So either way you can paddle with KPC this weekend!
and you can CALL for DETAILS TOO!!!
Complete details of both events online at …
or call
214 669 1663
Updated cert class photo coming soon!