Click the link above for this really interesting Yahoo/Grind TV story I think you like it, but please don’t try it!!!
Thanks Bubba for the link too!
to everyone who helped at the White Rock Boat Club on the last work day too in particular thanks to Robert, Jim, Ralph, Kalynn, Kathy, Robin, Grace, Jennifer, Andree, and all those that helped the kayak area become more complete, and useable to the kayakers at the club.
With a Special Thanks to the Kosmos Spoetzl !!!
You can see from the 1968 photo we made a lot of changes and improvements to the club, including the kayak area of which we have space for your boat too!
And new finger piers, new inside bathrooms and improved entry way with added security too!
Interested in becoming a member?? just give us a shout!
Special LLELA Rescheduled River Trip Saturday Oct 29th
10am paddles wet special day and special price $ 40 per paddler, That’s $10 buck off the regular price!!!
RSVP required, please contact us at 214 669 1663 or
via email at THANKS!!!