Private Lesson gets a treat..

So there we are doing a little kayaking in a very busy location off I30 and Lake Ray Hubbard………..


Desirie was doing so good, in fact she was a natural, but while we were yaking… we spotted some wildlife, in fact we spotted a lot!  A great Blue Herron, a white Herron, two feeding Ospreys, and … a River Otter! 


Yes a otter, and guess what..this time we have bad photo’s and video’s too, hey those little guys are very hard to shoot, their never still!


LRH River (lake?) Otter

And What makes it interesting.. this is the location where they all were spotted….


That’s right in the middle of an urban setting of a major interstate highway and a very popular park, wow!

Anyway We had fun and look for Desirie, and her family at the next KPC event…hint she’ll be looking for wildlife too!



And just for the record, turn “right” is droit….

and turn “left” is gauche, did I get that right Desirie??

Je suis impatient de kayak de nouveau avec vous aussi!


NEXT INTRO CLASS 11/5/11 Tyler State Park

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