Were doing our thing for the Love of the Lake Group
in volunteering for the
White Rock Marathon
as course guides, again this year.
Come out and cheer on the runners and be a part of the fun
too, we’ll even include an official T shirt for your service!
John us at the Starbucks in Casa Linda on Sunday the 4th
bright and early at 7 am sharp, we’ll hand out T’s and maps
and other stuff and make sure your pre briefed for the race.
We have 5 intersections we need help with
and we need you,
we need your friends and your other friends too!!!
1. Matilda right onto Ross
2. Ross left onto Greenville
3. Greenville left onto N Munger
4. N Munger right onto Live Oak
5. Live Oak left onto N Haskell and to the finish.
Click here for the turn by turn directions for the 1/2
By the way…you might want to bring your paddle gear..
advanced weather forecast is for rain and cold wind…
I’m just saying…..
Start December off right and finish the 2011 year strong!
Volunteer with KayakPower, and enjoy!