Oops.. seems we forgot to add Sandy & Charito
to the list of volunteers that raced and finished,
yikes my bad!
Congrats to all who finished including these ladies!!!!
Cold Wet, Colder and Wetter, and that was just us as
course guides!
Here’s Marvin,
man he’s a tough guy,
he stayed out in the rain to make sure no runner got lost at this intersection, but hey…
THANKS to all our volunteers, including….
Charito’s kids, (y’all were great!), Bubba, Ken, Jackie, Karen, Terri, Michael, Raney, Eldon, and more!
It takes a lot to get up very early on a cold wet winter day.
A lot like …Starbucks, a free race T, and the need for fun!
And speaking of fun, a big shout out to the local law enforcement we had working at this corner, these guys ROCK!
They are everything you would expect of the high standards of the Dallas Police, we thanks them for keeping us safe..
today and everyday!
this was the bad we had too,
these are young rocks singing their own songs and guess what, their good…real good,
I have some of the song on video along with some of the runner, check back for a shorter than 22 min video I shot!
Some of our group couldn’t stand watching so this year they ran a relay, congrats to Brian Grace Nettie Wanda and Heather for earning their medals in the 1/2 marathon!
Join us in 2012 for another great race, assuming your not
Next event S4 WRL 12/10/2011 9-11 am FREE Trash!!
Final 2011 KayakPower event…..LLELA 12/17/2011