Pictures from KEN! Thanks KEN!!
Is more than 80 cfs from the U S Army Corps of Eng.!!!!!
don’t think of it as a drag….(thanks USACE!)
think of it as….
Kayhiking, ……. go look that one up!
We did make it to the deeper part of the river just past
the RR bridge, and that was nice……
check out those crazy balance skills from Isabella too!
and besides being a great rabbit Pete is also a cool dude!
Thanks for bringing the kin folk too, he’s a hardy man!
we did some goofing off in the water….
and then got a quick photo too….
and one on the water too, with Gary showing off…….again!
Check em all out too…..Thanks to Steve to for his great
shots as well!
Join us next month for the fun!