UPDATE UPDATE Steve photos… Yeah Steve!!
It was a little windy…
But that didn’t bother this group of volunteers…..
We had some new friends join us ….
We had some returning friends join us……
And we had some new and returning friends together join us too!
Thanks to the support team too for making all the gear,
come and go all day, and the trash put in the right spot!
did I mention trash??
Thanks to the For the Love of the Lake group, for the 200th
lake cleaning, Thanks to DPARD we’ll need 200 more too!
THANKS again to F T L O T L for the sigh upgrade as well!
Also Thanks the kids from Conrad HS and the hard working
adults that make sure the kids get to the lake and clean up!
This may look like a resting photo, however she was
channeling a educational cleanup message to the kids
Now about that dress code for the December clean up….
It’s actually better with closed toe foot ware….PLEASE!
Check out all the kids & adults too in the pictures below
See you in December
for the Final S4 of 2013