and were paddling ………………
Hi of 43 degrees wind from the North 10 to 20 mph
and were …
headed up White Rock Creek, as you know it rained the
last couple of days so the side creeks were floatable…..
Yea! we got farther to the west than
we have all last year………………..
We spotted some interesting high water marks too…
Upper right hand corner of pic…see the traffic barrel…..
it was 5 feet above us!
we also found some people fishing with a gill net strung
on from one side of the creek completely to the other side,
we were about to cut it when we discovered they we
launching a raft to recover their net…………..
Just in case your wondering… gills nets remain illegal
in all freshwater in Texas in 2013 , just FYI…
On the bright side we got a close up look at the new
infrastructure that includes the bridge…oops bridges…
Not a bad camera angle…. you think??
Anyway…back at the creek we also discovered…..
Trash, yup you guessed it, it made us wonder…..
With all the equipment and money and man hours being
spent on the bridges, was any money allocated to help
resolve any of the past, current or future trash problems
with White Rock Creek??
Despite the challenges we face in learning to live in
harmony with each other and the our environment,
Paddling still provides the best form of recreation….
for the soul!
Don’t let the year slip past you! Join us and get a soul
R E C H A R G E !!!