With our friends at the Elm Fork Education Center!
Along with our close and personal kayak friend…Super B!
So we took the teachers to school today on McWhorter
Creek, and guess what we found?
If you guessed Purple Pickerel Hyacinth, well your RIGHT!
We took some water samples, studied some plants…
checked out the soil strata, and the game prints……
White tailed deer in case your were wondering……
and then we also did a little exploring too…..
This group was smart and good looking too
with a group like this today you really need to be on your
toes to keep them smiling …
& sometimes we get lucky and they are more than happy!
Check back with us for the video, and check out all the
pictures from today…
O if you missed placed your 1/2 full silver water bottle with a couple of leather bands and a decal on it in a kayak…
Sorry we haven’t seen it!!!
Just FYI…. there is one exactly like it on ebay, the “buy it now” price, seems really fair too.