O M G it was unreal out today, clean sky’s and slight wind
it made it a dog day on the water!!!!
We had some new friends and some old friends!!!
And we all GOT TRASHED Too!!!!
Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers for the hard work
and remember…
Our gratitude is not based on the amount of trash you get
HOWEVER we do have a winner for October….
Way to go Tomas you trashed T shirt is on it way,
Please wear it proud, you earned it…..
and least you think we not watching very close….
check out this young mans hardy attempt at # 1
I’m not 100% sure that Mom didn’t help a little…..
either way makes a great picture don’t you think!!!
And speaking of …..Check out all the
kwel kayak kleaning
photos below
Yup…Thanks to all those people……..
———————————–on the ground
or on in the water…………………………..
your lake was this much cleaner!
Seeeeeeeee Yaaaaaaaaaaaall Neeeeeeeext Month!
November 14th 2015 9am Jackson Point WRL