It was rocking along at about a grand, then jumped up to
3760 CFS and the ACE closed the river to commercial use.
Some blooming cactus at the tip of the spillway…
This is looking out or downstream from the spillway….
We were allowed to do a look and see and we took
advantage of that..
It really really really hard to see but there was
a Bobcat at the putin today
It was really a heavy mammal day too
at the original creek channel we saw 2 beavers
up close and personal!!!
A little woody at this water level
A couple of snags here and there….
The RR bridge showing you the actual river level at that release number
We made it across to the Marsh and had time for a little
Blind Hot Chocolate too
But as the water was still getting higher we boogied on
Check back for photos of the Bald Eagle and some
updated videos too!
Did I mention the Bobcat??
here are some of the paw prints in the sand…….
Deer and Bobcat!
Did I mention we saw the Osprey too?
we can get our
loyal customers
read in
on the water in
DECEMBER the 19th 10am paddles wet!