Its started like a cold wet and rainy Saturday….very overcast and spitting rain…..
But we out waited mother this Sat…..
No not that Mom….Mother Nature!!!
You can see the clouds lifting and we had a beautiful day to get traahed.
And get trashed we did! Thanks to the
Greatest Paddling Volunteers
on the water!!!
You can have a ball with us!
Get framed…..
Sell your kayak. (Not sell mine please!)
Get more trash….
And become THE trash warrior!!!
And you never know just how the lake will say THANK YOU too!!! Yeah Pam!
Thanka Ground Team too!
And our wee team too…dont laugh…
He has a fast kayak!
We appreciate your hard work and just showing up too…
Hope to see you in October
Saturday the 8th 9am to 12 noon!