The hardy crew?? Heck Wes even brought his own trash can!We have been in Glen Rose for the last 4 weeks and had lots of wind and water…and today…I guess we brought it back with us….
It was actually a trash can we pulled from the lake…and why note double up on the upcycle?
So we did!!!
Due to the flood some of our reptile friends were out helping too!
They normally dont mix that well…but the weather forces them to work together!
Thanks to Marvin too for proving that his jacket was both insulative and water proof too!
Remember we clean rain or shine …wind or not..snow sleet…high winds or anything short of a tornado or hurricane….frozen lake or 80 plus degree water….so….Hope to see you in June at the 2nd Saturday Shoreline spruceup!!!!! 6. 8 2019 9:00 AM4100 West LautherWhite Rock Lake