A goof ball…wait check that…correction golf ball!
And why not? the wind was only gusting to 27mph from the North
In fact our side of Whiterock lake looked more like the North Sea
This was when the wind calmed down!
Just so you know we bugged out to our friends on the Lee side of that North wind…
First Unitarian Curch
Thanks to them we were just cold and not cold and in the wind…
And the that white stuff was trying to get us going
But we pushed through…
even when it piled up all around us
The snow really shows how much wind was still blowing on the “not windy” side!
Ahem…despite being paddle conflicted….
We did get after it!
The good news it was a short and mud free carry to launch…thanks to the boat ramp
These hardy souls were both new to the S4 and new to kayaking!
They said….and I quote
“How COOL!”
THANKS to all our
And experienced too
The real irony…..
We came ….
We cleaned…
We paddled
through the worst and only when we closed the warehouse door
did the sun come out!
Hope to see you next Month!
And hope to see less winter and more sun!
Paddle Smart
Paddle Safe