Feb Eco Tour

Three thousand one hundred fifty cubic feet per second

A whole bunch of water coming our way…

Good thing we had kayaks!!!

And a plan to paddle too

It’s kinda a loop

Thanks Steve for the gps tracking and the map too!

We hoped to see the beaver…he was sleeping in….we hoped to see the Eagle….he was out too…we did however discover a 2nd nest so our hope is we have more than 1 pair of eagles!

Bitten Marsh

We did find and pick and slog our way across to the marsh….

It sounds easy can you see the trail from a distance?

See last weeks high water mark

the trail is amazing when you finally find it…


We have seen the UFO’s underwater and the trail just….underwater


It’s a lot of fun paddling under it too!

Warming in the sun as the air temp was 58 and rising the water temp was 68…go figure!

And Thanks to KJ we had hot coco!

Still no fishing!

It was an easy out we just followed the flow back to the river….

Where we saw the pelicans the great blues the ducks and most all of the other birds…finally!

Check out all the photos at….


Dont be this guy!

Paddle Safe.


Next Eco Tour 3 21 2020