2nd Sat Success 11 24 WRL

THANKS to both our awesome volunteers and a fantastic day from Mother Nature we got a ton of trash, did some education outreach and got on the water and kayaked too!

Izzy and Lucy lead the way on our canine clean up crew and even brought their human to help as well.

Its amazing to me the human spirit that can see the trash, collect it and still have kind words for their fellow humans.

Here’s is pro tip………………DON’T LITTER!

Family cleanup

Friends cleanup

And my personal fav….. BIRTHDAY CLEANUP!!! GO JANA!!!

So if its from the ground…

    From the water

    Or from the sky!!!

    KAYAKPOWER is happy to host your fun

    on any 2nd Saturday

    in partnership with the For the Love of the Lake group!

    Check out our pics at the link above or join us on meetup!


    Saturday December 14th 2024 9am soft start

    Special Thanks to Marvin and George for keeping us contiguous on the cleanup we our gone with the hulls.

    Also to Steve for keeping us covered in the rain and warm in the cold month after month!

    KayakPower, Stop Dreaming & START Paddling!